Friday, October 1, 2010

Walking on a Dream - Empire of the Sun

Why the song "walking on a dream" to capture the essence of this poem? When writing this particular piece, this romance was based on different factors from diiferent people I knew, all finally combined to form that one perfect dream girl that one would want to share a dream romance with. So essentially, this poem is me and her, walking on a dream. If you share this dream, then I am home with you.

Moonlight Loving
I want to fly
On a dragon,
With you
And disappear into the horizon
With daydreams in our backpacks,
Mischief in our pockets,
And garlands of laughter in our hair.

I want to become an imprint in the stars
So I can watch you sleep
From a thousand speckled angles.
I want to be the shooting star
That carries your wish from your sparkling lips
To the ears of God.

I want my eyes to be red
From thinking of you,
I want to laugh uncontrollably at your smile
Because it’s cute like that.
I want my pupils to dilate
At the sight of you.
I want to sstutter every time you say goodbye.
I want to overdose on your touch
Because you give me that sort of high.

I want to stroll on the edges of your smile,
Balance on your lips
And hope to tumble in,
So I can play around your heart,
Be a part of you,
Explore your anatomy.

I want to map out your body,
Find the points that make you giggle,
Find the points that make you angry
When you tell me you don’t like to be tickled,
Find the points that make you cry
Because the scars on your skin
Hurt too much when I kiss them.

I want to kiss you,
I want my lips to travel from your stomach,
Make their way north, climb up your chin,
Take a detour to your cheeks,
Get lost and find that they’re on your forehead,
Travel down the coast of your face,
take a pit stop by your ears,
take the scenic route to your eyes,
slide down your nose
and finally make their home on your lips.

I want to kiss you,
Because it will teach me how to fly with dragons,
Show me how to daydream
And give me the ability to speak to God.
I want to disappear,
With you,
To live outside time,
Because some kisses,
Because our kisses,
Were never meant to wither.

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