Monday, September 27, 2010

Snow (Hey Oh) - Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Have you ever been travelling through your headphones and encountered that one song that you cannot make out what it mean but at the same time, it means so much. I can't count the amount of images that have shown themselves to my closed eyes/open mind state when diving deeply into this magical tune.

Following are some images I relate to the song - you might or might not agree, but it's a step towards uncovering the mysteries of the ununderstood -is that a word?

The Red Hot Chilli Peppers manage to convey a solitary, desolate feel in the song. As if one has reached the end of the line but is struggling to stay on top of it all. It is as if they are calling to all those with dreams that just have not managed to attain them yet.

And yet, the song is seen through the eyes of a person who has seen so much but understands so little. This picture is, to me, a comment on the trivial things we do, the patterns we have fallen into and the little understanding we have of why we have fallen into those exact patterns. Indeed, we are "privately divided by a world so undecided"

"Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold" William Yeats once said in "The Second Coming". How often do we feel our world crumbling around us, how often do we wish we could disappear and hide - forever. Or at least until the carnage has reached it's end, if it ever does. This picture and the song both remind me of the hopelessness and beauty in this loss of form.

Ah, then we enter the dream world, where nothing exists but everything does. Where nothing makes sense but there is no need for it to. We have full control but none at all. Perhaps one of the most beautiful states of mind that the mind can conjure up. Why would you not want to dream? Why would you not want to invite songs to carry you on amazing adventures into your own thoughts? I say, enjoy the dreamland that is provoked by song - it is not yours but you can own it.

Who can ignore the fact that these guys are just too cool and so is this song, they epitomize the sort of people who should jam to this song but don't forget that music has no genres, just emotions. So you don't have to dress like these amazing character (hell, I don't), just as long as you feel like them when you are listening to this track - or you feel like anything or anyone that represents your emotions at the time.

Can you not feel the change rising up inside you the more you listen to this song? As if your very being is morphing into something incredibly beautiful, extremely lonely and ridiculously fierce? Let that side of you out!

All of us can be heroes, can we not? We can tap into something deep within ourselves and surprise ourselves, we can listen, look, feel, understand. Isn't that what most people need from someone else, those slight qualities that make us heroes to them and those slight moments, brought about by art, poetry, songs, moments that can make us feel like heroes to ourselves.

Isn't it amazing? The eternity of it all. The beauty of our insides and our outsides that are all connected so insignificantly but yet, so powerfully to beauty. Be it space, a flower, a song or a person who just manages to pass a smile your way - the galaxies we can find within smiles is the galaxy I can find when I am home with you...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Scar - Missy Higgins

"Now doesn't that sound familiar?"

Crazy how life and music can always be related to each other, within each other...

As always, Home with you.

Wild World - Cat Stevens

After being buried beneath copious amounts of work, frowning faces, bad moods and general disdainful behaviour today, I am finding myself questioning why exactly I am not riding the waves of acidic highs such as some of my fairer halves. Alas, instead of exploring the blossoming night with hallucinatory substances in my system, I am sitting in a claustrophobic room that appears as if a ravenous cookie monster was searching for a non-existent edible snack. The general state of my room, in fact, mirrors the general state of my world and mind at the moment, so it is no surprise that Cat Stevens should resonate so profoundly with me at this particular moment.

I wonder if everybody's homes and minds are in as much disarray as mine, if so, then - I'm home with you...

In the beginning - K'naan

The song mentioned in the title starts with the phrase - in the beginning there was a hum from a poet whose pulse fell - it is interesting how we use music to contextualize our lives and so why not use songs to understand various days in one's life? I'll try yo do that on this platform. Perhaps ill be wiser at the end of this or perhaps you will be wiser.

But at the end of the day hopefully, I'll be home with you